Click on the image above to access the factsheet on women forest dwellers.
Women Agricultural Labourers Factsheet
Click on the image above to access the factsheet on women agricultural labourers.
Factsheet on Women Farmers
Click on the image above to access the factsheet on Women Farmers.
Beed Parishad Oct 1, 2022
Canecutter women at the Beed parishad Dr. Neelam Gorhe, MLC & Deputy Chair of MH Legislative Assembly, addressing the parishad. Poster An identity card for women cane cutters in Kathoda village, Beed district. Manisha Tokle from Beed, one of the main organisers, along with taluka karykartas Previous Next Almost 600 […]
FR Case Studies Compendium
Here is MAKAAM’s compendium of case studies on forest rights written by our front line teams across districts in 6 states, with the support of Bastion and PowerUp! Here are the Hindi and English versions of the compendium.
Women’s Voices from Farms – case studies booklet
A while back, we put out a call for case studies/ stories of resilient women farmers/collectives across the country, who were dealing with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown in innovative and sustainable ways. The objective of this call was to collect stories of women engaged in agriculture, […]
COVID-19 Resources
The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown enforced across the country has had far-reaching consequences on women farmers. On this page, we are putting together a list of reports, documents, videos, and any other resources as a network, which will be periodically updated. Resources on COVID-19: 1. Online […]
MAKAAM Newsletter
Check out all issues of our newsletter editions with the latest at the top. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter using the sign up form at the bottom. April-July 2022 Issue #1 Subscribe to our newsletter * indicates required Email Address * First Name * Last Name *
MAKAAM’s Recommendations on 10k FPOs Scheme
MAKAAM’s FPOs subgroup analysed the operational guidelines of the 10K FPO scheme and put forward recommendations for a Gender Strategy/ policy for the FPOs in India which can be integrated into the next version of the policy guidelines. Click below to access a copy of our recommendations to the government:
World Environment Day 2022
World Environment Day – June 5, 2022 As you probably know, June 5th is World Environment Day. And starting from June 5th, MAKAAM is launching a nationwide campaign to highlight the issues and challenges faced by women farmers, in terms of climate change and its impact. Lately, World Environment Day […]