January 19, 2024
MAKAAM members attended a “Policy Workshop on Engendering FPOs: Past-Present- Future” held at Hyderabad on 19th January, 2024. This workshop was organised jointly by APMAS (Mahila Abhivruddhi Society, Andhra Pradesh), MAKAAM, NABARD Telangana, PRADAN & AgHub.
Ms. Shilpa Vasavada made a presentation giving an overview of the status and issues of women FPOs and articulated the demands. Dr. Rukmini Rao, Dr. Soma KP and Ms. S. Ashalatha facilitated sharing sessions.
Ms. Usha Seethalakshmi, Ms. C. Bhanuja, Mr. Janardhan and several other MAKAAM members participated in the workshop. The workshop’s objective was to highlight and discuss the gender barriers women farmers face in the crop value chain and the FPOs promotion and to explore the possibilities for collaboration among key stakeholders to intensify the endeavour of ‘Engendering FPOs’ and ‘Empowering Women in the value chain’.
Link to Report: https://www.apmas.org/pdf/policy_workshop.pdf